The Free Geek

Ramblings of a Free Software Geek

The coffee now smells better Mon, 03 Jul 2006 20:09:15 +0530

Filed under: Free Software,General — Bon Goose @ 20:09:15

I went to our local Cafe Coffee Day after quite a few weeks last Saturday. Then I went inside the front-desk to change a few songs and the friendly waiter Amit told me something which had the word “Linux” in it. I ignored him completely and went on to the computer desk and noticed that there were two computers now instead of one. They are doing the billing on a new HP machine and the songs are being played from the old machine. I asked the manager the secret behind the new machine and he told me “They have now upgraded the software everywhere and it now runs on Linux”. I was extremely surprised. I couldn’t believe it, so I went on to check it out myself. And indeed, Ctrl+Alt+F1 told me that they are running some flavour of GNU/Linux. The actual Java application ran on the 2nd virtual terminal. It seems they have somehow locked down the system and it boots up to start the Java app by itself. Pretty nice actually. They also have some nifty things like a 802.11 based order taking device and also a bill printer.

I am sure this is a pretty big step towards total GNU/Linux domination. This bold step by Cafe Coffee Day will help in proving that GNU/Linux is indeed ready for the enterprise.

So guys, go ahead and enjoy your coffee in Cafe Coffee Day, and be assured that your bill is being processed by a system based on Free Software 🙂

Cafe Coffee Day Computerised Billing System The whole thing runs on GNU/Linux :)


18 Responses to “The coffee now smells better”

  1. Tejas Dinkar Says:

    That is unbelievable!!!

    That is a lot of GTK critical errors :p

    Any clues to the distro/kernel?

  2. toufeeq Says:

    The whole thing is kinda neat, it boots, launches the X Server and runs the GTK app, nothing else. Think it’s RedHat based. We have the same thing in Infosys too.

  3. Nikhil Prabhakar Says:

    That has probably something to do with your long sessions in CCD during exam 😉

  4. Tejas: Yeah, quite a few errors, but such error messages are shown for GNOME apps too, sometimes 🙂 and I think it’s a RHEL machine. I need to check it out to be sure though …

    Toufeeq: Yes, pretty neat. I think it’s RHEL too. I need to check btw.

    Nikhil: Lol! I wish it were true. In that case, I’d spend my exam time in Microsoft India 😉

  5. Chanakya Says:

    Cool, CCD had been one of my fav place back in ddun, WOnders whether CCD are under client list of Red-hat .

  6. Joe Steeve Says:

    That is totally cool 🙂 CCD is a favourite place for me (I drink a bit too much of coffee).

    Thats not all. The other day when I went to pay my electricity bill., I had a surprise of my life time. The billing has been computerized., and they were using GNU/Linux (Fedora) on the client desktops 🙂 The application is a web-based one.

    Feels good to see Free Software on machines apart from our own 🙂

  7. shr33 Says:

    This is very cool. Now it will be nice feeling having coffee with Linux Flavour. :))

    I have been CCD in Mumbai several times, but didnt see their operating system. Its good that CCD had taken good step ahead.

  8. Debarshi Ray Says:

    Nice to see someone living in a dingy room in the remote parts of Maharashtra having access to Cafe Cofee Day outlets. Wow!

  9. Baishampayan Says:

    Debarshi: The remote parts of Maharashtra are not as remote as you think. They have Broadband,WiFi, CCD, Porsches, Harley Davidsons, pretty chicks, et al. 😉

  10. Vivek Buwa Says:

    WOW! thats nice. Even our president in one of his recent speeches at Pune emphasised on to use and develop softwares using “Free Software” by youth of India.
    This is really a very nice step by CCD.

  11. riverwood Says:

    One of the local cafes I stop into frequently, Wired and Unplugged in Snohomish, WA, runs Ubuntu on their customer-available PCs. Talk about a surprise. I about fainted when I saw the Ubuntu login screen where I expected the standard *insert random windows variant here* login screen. The cool thing is that no one has any trouble using it, as far as I can tell.

  12. Shiv Kumar Says:

    I run Ubuntu Dapper on my PC and I get a lot of error messages before the desktop comes on. But my comp works okay, so I havent bothered to check it out.

    shiv kumar

  13. dan Says:

    802.11 order system? A clear invitation to being hacked if you ask me. Kudos on CCD for seeing the Linux light, however, applying Windows type administration to the system is gonna get them in trouble. They really need to think through that decision.

  14. sameer joshi Says:

    i’m sameer joshi. i’m from pune.
    i wish to talk to someone who is from kolhapur and who’s still living there…i wanna know a bit about the city.
    So i you’re from kolhapur or living there can you please contact me since i do’nt know how to reach you,
    My mobile is 9860177716 or my email is

  15. monal Says:

    im eager to chk out how the system actually wrks

  16. User2 Says:

    It runs SuSE Enterprise Server.

    Here is a full case study.

    Café Coffee Day uses SLES Priority Support for SAP Applications to protect its ERP environment, ensuring that order management and logistics systems are always available.

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